Modern, harmonious and driven

Plans are the same, yet altered. Haven’t yet used the row form for the macro and microstructures, though like the idea in principle.

Working with a balance between driving musical energy, and contrasts and conflicts expressed in the musical domain, and the vast patterns in Milton.

Inspired by Neuwirth’s ambition, but wanting to attain a balance between text as drama, and drama as abstract musical development.

Inspired by Garouste’s ambition, and obsessions with history and literature, and his ability to project them on the canvas and mix them with personal conflicts and experience.

Could these be mediated by images from Blake?

The first movement is in draft – tonal centre in G – working with varieties of a tone row whose essence seems to be projections upwards, and downwards (inversion). Light formations shooting up to heaven, dark formations down to the twilight zone. Suddenly heard the dark angels looming in closing pages.

Photo by Micha Frank on Unsplash

Ed Hughes